Hard to Find Ribbons for Copal compatible
printers starting at just $19 ea.
$19 ea. for long lasting black nylon ribbon
that fits all of the following dot matrix printer models: Copal
Write Hand SC-1000, Copal Write Hand SC-1200, Copal Write Hand
SC-1200L, Copal SZ-44, Sakata SP1000, SP-1200, ASI Speeder 231A,
ASI Speeder SC1000, ASI Speeder SP 100, Legend 1000, Legend 1200,
NLQ 160, NLQ 160L, NLQ 160XL, Teco RP 1814, Teco RP-2410, Teco
VP-1814 and Teco VP 2410. Note:
For simplicity sake please specify Copal 1000 ribbon when ordering.
See "Ordering Details" for limited exceptions
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