Abacus software for Commodore 64 & 128

Fortran 64 Used Fortran programming language for Commodore 64. Includes disk. Call for availability of manual. Tested. call or email

Forth 64 Used FORTH programming language for Commodore 64. Includes disk and manual. Tested. call or email

ADA Used ADA programming language for Commodore 64. Includes disk and manual. Tested. sold

ADA Training Course ADA Training Course for the Commodore 64. Includes disk and manual. New. $69

BASIC 64 compiler Used BASIC language compiler for the Commodore 64 computer. Includes used disk and photocopied manual. Untested-- sold AS IS. If you want one with a 30-day guarantee please add $30. Compiled BASIC programs usually run faster and are harder for hackers to list out and modify or mimic. $79

Cadpak 64 Excellent CAD (computer-aided drafting and designing) program for the Commodore 64. Used. Price includes manual and disk. $79 New or $59 used. $79

Cadpak 128 Excellent CAD (computer-aided drafting and designing) program for the Commodore 128. Used. Price includes manual and disk. $79

Chartpak 64 Design and print all kinds of charts using your own data with the Commodore 64. New price $69. Used price $42. Includes disk and manual. $69

Chartpak 128 Design and print all kinds of charts using your own data with the Commodore 128. Used price $44. Includes disk and manual. $67

XPER 64 Expert system software for the Commodore 64 allows you to classify, catagorize and analyze scientific or business items and make inferences and find relationships in a way that is almost like artificial intelligence. Price includes disk and manual. email for price and availability

Becker BASIC For programming applications under GEOS. Book with used disk. email for availability

PowerPlan 64 Power Plan spreadsheet for Commodore 64. Includes disk and manual. Used price $79 $79

PPM (Personal Portfolio Manager) Manage your stock portfolio with your Commodore 64 computer. New. Includes manual and disk. $79
Probably sold already.

TAS (Technical Analysis System) Evaluate trends pertaining to different stocks. New. Includes manual and disk. sold

Super C 64 Used Super C programming language for Commodore 64. Includes disk and manual. Tested. call or email

Super C 128 Used Super C programming language for Commodore 128. Includes disk and manual. Tested. call or email

COBOL 128 Common Business Oriented Language for the Commodore 128 computer. Includes disk and manual. Used (tested). sold

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