5 1/4 disks - $17.00 for first disk. Just $5 ea. for each
additional disk (5 1/4")
Name |
Description |
Automotive Programs (AU) |
Ford Simulator | AU0005 Buyers Guide for 1987 model cars that allows you to print out specifications & calculate costs & payments. You may also test drive the car of your choice. Fun! |
Vehicle Management System | AU0015 Keep track of mileage, predict maintenance & repairs. |
Business Programs (B) |
AM Tax (2 disks) | B00005 Program designed to do taxes for 1988 |
Bill Power Plus (2 disks) |
B00010 Powerful billing and bookkeeping program for small firms. |
Business & Legal Forms | B00015 A great variety of forms you can use & load into a word processor. |
Business Form Letters | B00017 Fill in the blanks or customize them in your needs. 100 assortment. |
CPA Ledger (3 disks) |
B00025 General ledger program. |
Do-It-Yourself Legal Forms | B00030 More legal forms. Also includes Auto pricing for 1990. |
Eazy-Forms-Lite | B00035 A form generated program which lets you tailor forms according to your needs or select forms already on this disk such as sales. |
Formgen | B00040 Powerful, easy to use package for making forms |
Inventory Manager | B00045 Control the cost of inventory purchases scientifically, Intelligent re-ordering. |
Legal Form Letters | B00050 260 common legal form letters. Use any word processor to modify. |
Medlin Accounting | B00055 A complete small or medium business system. General Ledger, Payroll, A.R., A.P. |
Project Management | B00060 Program designed to organize & analyze your business. |
SBASGL | B00065 General Ledger program used to make financial statements & account maintenance. |
Regit (2 disks) | B00070 Powerful point of sale program. Supports and prints bar code. |
Writer's Dream | MS0A75 Excellent program that converts your writings into professional quality self-running electronic books! Ideal for educators, family historians, and business enterpreneurs. Excellent money making and saving tool. |
Communication Programs (C) |
Battle Fleet | C00001 Battleship type game. Play the computer or over the modem. |
Electronic Inf. Center | C00005 Fast powerful flexible BBS. Supports many protocols. Requires 2 floppies or a hard disk and a floppy. |
Q Modem 2.2 (2 disk) |
C00007 Very good modem program that does not requires a hard drive. |
Q Modem 4.5 (2 disk) |
C00010 Version 4.5. Well written & useful modem program that must be put on a hard drive. Documentation included. |
RS 232 Tutor | C00015 A tutorial with graphic explanations of 25 pin RS232. |
Saphire BBS | C00020 A zero-maintenance BBS. Easy to learn, & powerful, Requires 512 K, hard drive or two floppies. |
Serial File Copy | C00025 Designed to trnasfer data between two computers using RS232 ports & modems. |
Tele-Chess | C00030 Play chess over the modem! Many features & saves game. Study moves on monitor. |
VT50/100 Emulation | C00035 Emulation DEC VT102, VT100, 4014, 4010. |
Worthy Opponenet | C00040 Good modem program with an option to enter in tournaments playing games like the ones on this disk (Cornerstone, Snake, Checkers, & Cannonball) with other players. Prizes may be won. |
Charts, Graphs, Computer Aided Drafting (CG) |
Charts Unlimited | CG0001 Easily create charts & diagrams using text, symbols and designs. |
Draftsman | CG0003 Easy to learn program for producting quality charts & graphs and simple illustration. May work with Lotus 1,2,3, or Debase III. Needs 2 drives for installation. |
Key Cad System (2 disks) |
CG0005 Good drawing Cad program. Has some graphic drawings with it. |
Epistat | CG0007 A collection of 25 programs in basic for statistical analysis. Utilities for data entry, printing, graphing, sorting, selecting, transforming, for data entry, printing, graphing, sorting, selecting, transforming, & cross tabs. |
Org! | CG0010 Produces organized charts. k Has interface utilizing standard characters & graphics to printer. Centers & sizes text & graphics. CGA, EGA, VGA. |
PC Draft (2 disks) | CG0012 Mouse driven and very well done drafting program with many features & drawings. |
Stock Charting & Analysis | CG0015 Charts high/low/close bar charts. Technical analysis. |
Trig Graph/Line Graph | CG0020 Graphics interface files & routines for plotting different type of kgraphs like line slopes. |
Database Programs & Utilities (DB) |
Newbase | DB0005 Simple database program. |
File Express (2 disks) | DB0007 User friendly & great database program. Does reporting sorting, labels & more. |
PC Deskfile & Deskmate | DB0010 Two disk set. A database program. |
PC File (3 disk set) | DB0015 Excellent, top of the line database program & manager. Mail list & charts. |
Desktop Organizers, Calendars, Clocks, Calculators, Address Books, Etc. (DS) |
Active Life for Dos (2 disk) | DS0005 Coordinates and schedules activities. Helps you organize your time. |
Homebase (2 disk) | DS0010 Elaborate address book & apoointment calendar program. Needs 2 drive or HD. |
PC Deskteam | DS0015 Desktop organizer, alarm clock, calculator, notepad, phonebook & dialer, calendar/appointment book, typewriter, printer controller, & MS dos Commands. |
Remind | DS0020 Helps you keep track of deadlines, appointments, & events. Requires clock calendar. |
Sage Calendar | DS0025 Program for designing and printing personalized calendars. |
Scicalc | DS0030 A scientific calculator program with 250 functions and tools. |
Educational Tutorials, Drills, and Games. (E) |
ABC Fun Keys | E00005 Nursery rhymes, letters, numbers, pictures, and typing for kids. |
ABC Talk | E00007 Let the computer talk to your child and teach the ABC's! EGA,VGA, CGA. |
Algebra | E00010 Good tutorial disk on beginning Algebra & demo for Proffessor Weissman's Software. |
Algebra I | E00015 Excellent easy to use for high school, junior college or adult. Many features. |
All American Ed Programs | E00016 USA is for searching through articles & amendments of the Constitution. SSB plays the Star Spangled Banner. Bugle plays 20 different bugle calls. US Cities shows the main cities and latitude. USA Con reads right through the constitution. |
American Explorers | E00017 High school level. Histories & quiz reviews. |
American States (2 disks) |
E00020 Search, study, print and get quizzed on state facts. |
Amy's First Primer | E00022 Six outstanding programs designed for younger children. Alphabet, Numbers, Counting Shapes, Matching, Problem Solving, & Pattern Recognition. |
Antidote to Corrupt Government (3 disk) | E00021 Learn about your rights, your state's rights, read the |
Animated Math | E00024 3 1/2" HD onlyl, (EGA, mouse optional) Great math program for the early learner with 6 different excercises for teaching objects counting, simple addition & subtraction. |
Animated Alphabet | E00023 3 1/2" HD only, Excellent EGA program with cute animation for teaching preschoolers the alphabet. |
Animated Shapes | E00024A 3 1/2" HD only, Excellent EGA program for the early learner that teaches shapes and colors. Cute animation. |
Animated Words (2 disks) |
E0024B 3 1/2" HD only, Requires mouse, EGA, VGA 640K ram. Excellent word match program designed to teach early reading for preschool to first grade. When the word is matched you solve a puzzle. Program includes 50 words and 10 puzzles. |
Basic Tutorial | E00025 Good educational games in basic. Letter & Language, Printing Fun, Missing Word, Super Scam, Scrambler Word, Numbers & Math. |
Bert's Dinosaurs | E00027 Choose a dinosaur of your choice and color him on screen with your choice of background. Save your picture, write a story and then print it. kRequires VGA and Mouse. |
Book Reports & Composition | E00027 kChoose a dinosaur of your choice and color him on screen with your choice of background. Save your picture, write a story and then print it. Requires VGA and Mouse. |
Brain Teasers | E00035 Excellent puzzle like game ( such as 2 way words) designed to make you think. |
Christian English Tutor (2 disk) | E00036 Great tutorial on the parts of speech (noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, & more). |
Classroom Jeopardy | E00037 Educational type Jeopardy game covering History, Math, Geograph, & Science. |
Composition Mastery (4 disk) | E00038 Tutorial and quiz on the parts of speech, punctuation, vocabulary & much more. Report card and many more features. |
Dad's Choice | E00039 CGA, Great eductional series of math programs for the preschooler to pre-algebra age. The programs include several cute games such as Lazer Blaster, Bug Numbers, Applespider & drawing. Mouse is optional. |
Dinosaur Database | E00040 Complete information & pictures of dinosaurs. |
Educational Atlas | E00042 Socialogical & geographic information about 120 countries. Sorts, prints maps. |
Educational Programs | E0045 Wa-tor planet game, Big num3, Tell Time, Transcendental Functions, Maps of the USA, Multiply, Add-Sub, Mathdrill, Teach-A-Tot, Number word, Teach kid, Typist, & Flashcard. All programs are in BASIC or require BASIC. |
Element Study Aid | E00050 An excellent study gudie and reference on the elements. Includes test. |
Equator | E00060 Programs for learning & analysing - Math (such as gemetry), Finance (like amortization), & Science studies (such as acceleration, force & temperature). |
Facts 50 | E00064 An educational program that draws the US maps & tells youj about each state. |
Faststart | E00067 Excellent program for teaching the early learner & grade school child. Programs include ABC's, counting, maze games, telling time, mathematics, & music. |
Flags | E00070 Display any flag of the world. Also a demo for a commercial package of this same program with a quiz feature. |
Fractions, Decimals & Percents | E00073 Have fun learning math basics. |
Funnels & Buckets | E00075 Challenging timed math game on division, multiplication, addition, & subtraction. |
Flippy's Circus Coins | E00080 Series of excellent games that teaches one how to make change with pennies, nickels, dimes, & quarters with Flippy the clown. CGA Also includes Clockgames for teaching time. CGA. |
Geometry Tutor | E00085 Nice tutorial and quiz on Geometry. Also introduction to Trigonometry. |
Happygames | E00092 For preschoolers includes Colorsort, Shapesort, & Supersort for pattern & color recognition. Also has Babymath for counting. |
History Education | E00094 Great strategy game that involves advancement by answering American history questions. |
Homework Helper | E00095 Basic skill-building programs. Drills for Spelliing, ABC's Math, etc. |
Kindermath | E00100 Excellent ages 3-8. Quiz on addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division. 3 levels. Also Cliff2 multiplication table quiz, timed & challenging. 4th grade to adult. 6 levels. |
Magic Crayon | E00103 (EGA/VGA Mouse) Is a collection of 3 fun games in 2 levels of difficulty (ages 3 to 12 years old) in a paint program. Cute graphics and games good for memory. |
Math Power | E00105 Scientific equation solving calculator, plotting tools, & hex-0dec. -binaryconvert. |
Math Pak | E00107 Advanced math tutorial teaching Trig., Hex Octal, Area calculation, Qudratic formula etc. |
Math Rescue 1 | E0107A 3 1/2" HD only (Requires 640K, VGA) Top of the line math arcade game with 15 levels with 3 age levels of difficulty (ages 3 and up), Teaches addition, subtraction, and word problems. Joystick and sound blaster is optional. |
Math Tutor | E00108 A good tutorial on early math multiply, addition, subtraction, divide that lets you choose difficulty level. |
Our United States | E00109 Colorful and musical U.S. trivia game. |
Pass Around Math Castle | E00110 Blast alien spacecraft and protect your castle by solving problems. |
PC Fastype | E00115 Great tutorial designed to teach typing. |
PC Quizzer | E00120 Create multiple choice trye/false, or fill in the blank quizes. Many features. |
Physics | E00125 Programs for evaluating electric fields, realitivity, project motion & more. |
Picture Magic | E00127 Great preschooler game where the computer displays many animal pictures and you guess it's first letter. Also Piano makes your keyboard into a piano type player. |
Play N Learn | E00130 8 educational games for ages 1 1/2 to 4. Very good. |
Polymath | E00135 Calculator-like environment for scientists, engineers, plotters, etc. |
Preschool Pack | E00137 3 1/2" HD only (requires EGA, VGA, mouse, 640K, & hard drive), Excellent preschooler program for ages 1 1/2 to 4 years of age with games that teach numbers, matching, animals, colors, & abc's. Must be installed on hard drive. |
Presidents (2 disk set) |
E00140 Menu driven biographies, quizes, reviews, and information searches. |
Programming to Basic Ed Games | E00145 Spelling Fun, Printing Fun, Missing Word, Word Scrambler Games, Counting Fun, Miles Per Gallon, Math Fun, Typing Fun, & Basic Programming. Basic should be in drive B. |
Ready for Calculus? | E00150 Great program for teaching calculus and other advanced math. |
R U Ready for Calculus I | E00155 Sharpens algebra & trig. skills to prepare you for calculus. |
San Mateo Education | E00160 Educational programs - Savings, Cingugh, Scramble, Guess, Nation, Chemist, Multiply, Months, Fractions, States, Oregon, Reverse, Reduce, Short Div, Sequence, Pat Pit, Trap & Romans. |
School Mom | E00165 English, Math, Spelling, Art, Music and Algebra. |
Secondary Education | E00170 Boilogy, English, Math, Constututional Studies for teens. |
Skyglobe | E00175 Find constellations, print star charts, select viewing location, many features. |
Spelling Bee | E00180 A series of programs designed to teach grade school spelling. |
Starview | E00185 A graphic display of 9,095 stars, planets, & comets. Changeable dates, etc. |
Tuff-Spell | E00190 Master commonly misspelled words. Gives hints and phonetic help. |
Ultimate Geography | E00192 Excellent EGA, VGA shareware program for viewing state statistics such as population, size, crime rate, birth/deaths, marrigae/divorce, industries & more. This program also has a quiz feature where you can test your learning. |
Video-Chem | E00195 A visual lecture and lab class teaches chemistry and simulates experiments. |
Vocabulary Roots | E00200 Progress through, programmed learning of word meaning. |
Word Gallery | E00205 Word-object association for ages 4-7. Also uses sound and color. |
Word Rescue | E00207 3 1/2" HD (EGA, VGA, 640K) Excellent, top arcade type game that teaches children words with 3 levels of difficulty (ages 3 & up) withseveral game levels. Joystick and sound blaster is optional. |
World | E00210 Will draw a map on the screen of any major part or of the world (cities, states, countries etc.). Has different scalings, latitude & longitudes, hurricane data plus more. |
World Distance City | E00215 Excellent Terra-Time displays the local time in as many as 44 cities world wide. World Disktance City computes distance and travel time between 44 cities. Needs hard drive or 3 1/2. |
Writer's Dream | MS0A75 Excellent program that converts your writings into professional quality self-running electronic books! Ideal for educators, family historians, and business enterpreneurs. Excellent money making and saving tool |
Wunderbook | E00217 (EGA, VGA, Mouse optional, 256K) Is a collection of 5 games for children (ages 3 to 10 kyears old). These cute games teach recognition of objects, numbers, alphabet, words & shapes in English and other languages. Good graphics & well done. |
Wyndware Flags | E00220 Excellent disk that displays the flags of the world. Has infomation on each country such as population, etc. |
Xysee (2 disks) | E00225 Lets you see how graphs or equations change. Helps visualize math. |
Yogi Bear Math | E00227 3 1/2" only, Excellent EGA math game where you with Yogi Bear pick up stones and throw them at the correct answers. Does addition in grade levels 1 through 6. |
Electric Circuit Design Analysis, Etc. (EL) |
Edraw(Easy Draw) | EL0005 Great drawing program for technical & electronics. Create & use symbols. |
Electro-Helper | EL0010 A huge array of programs for designing & analyzing circuits. |
Motorola Database | EL0015 Cross reference over 20,000 parts to help you save time & money. |
Games (Arcade, Strategy, Board, Role Playing, Educational, & more) (GM) |
18 Hole Minaiature Golf | GM0005 Great miniature golf game with 3 different courses, Keyboard control. |
3-D Chess | GM0010 Three dimensional Chess game in black and white. |
Alpha | GM0012 A very good game for younger kids. |
Arcade Games | GM0015 3-Demo, Bricks, Fortune, King Kong, Pango, PC-Golf, Pitfall, & Pyramid. |
Arcade Games I | GM0017 Pango, Space Invaders, Hopper, Packman, C-Packman, Janitor Joe, & 3D Packman. |
Arcade Games 5 | GM0020 Rockets, Sneesno Snake, Xonix, Nemon & Spacewar. CGA |
Arcade Sports Games | GM0025 PC Pool, PC Bowl, & Archery. |
Baranoid | GM0027 Excellent game like Arkanoid. VGA mouse control. |
Basic Games | GM0027 Excellent game like Arkanoid. VGA mouse control. |
Big Three | GM0033 Ultimate WWI graphic strategy game. |
Blast | GM0034 Arcade series like Brickout. Her., CGA, EGA, VGA, mouse, joystick & keyboard. Disk also includes Blackbox (grid strategy game). |
Board Games #5 | GM0035 Tomm's Monopoly, Chess & Checkers. CGA, EGA, or VGA. |
Board Games | GM0040 Good games some in basic. Poker, Bridge, Cribbage, Blackjack, Holden, Jackpot2, Lowball, Crazy 8, & 21. |
Casino Games #1 | GM0045 Great card games. Draw 5, 21, Roulette, Lowball, Renoslot, & Lotto. |
Casino Games #2 | GM0050 Great card games. Poker, Draw, Hiroller, Blackjack, Las Vegas, & Draw Poker V 1.0. |
Castle Wolfenstein (2 disks) |
GM0051 Only available on 3 1/2 disks. Landmark excellent game, sound blaster digitized effects, 256-color VGA animation. Must be installed on hard drive or two 360k floppy disks. |
Dr. Doom (2 disks) |
GM0A51 3 1/2" HD only (3D, VGA, mouse, joystick & sound blaster optional), Lightning fast virtual reality adventure where your a tough space trooper shooting your way through a monster infested holocaust. Excellent graphics. |
EGA Arcade Games 1 |
GM0052 Aldo's Adventure (ropes & ladders type game), Breakout, EGA - Asteroids. |
EGA Arcade Games 2 |
GM0055 Snarfs (treasure hunt game like Dig Dug), EGA Trek (classic Star Trek). |
EGA Arcade Games 3 |
GM0060 Colide (shoot=em=up), Homerun (Pinball type baseball), Space Flees. |
EGA Board Games | GM0070 Risk & Mah Jongg (the traditional Chinese game like Rummy). |
EGA Football | GM0075 Cunning football game that is interactive and menu driven. |
EGA Golf | GM0080 'Caddyhack' is an excellent EGA/VGA 18 hole course. 3 difficult levels. |
EGA Monopoly | GM0081 Excellent monopoly game with good graphics & many features. Mouse control. |
Egammon | GM0083 Excellent EGA Backgammon with mouse support. Also CGA PGammon (Backgammon). |
EGA/VGA Pinball | GM0084 The best! Moraff's Pinball ver 3.0. Has 5 flippers & up to 13 simultaneous balls. |
Electronic Chekkers | GM0085 Great CGA checker game. You play the computer. Shows whoe board, & saves game. |
Follies Game Disk | GM0A85 Tic Tac Toe, Boifhy, Bridge, Corewar, Keno, Pcothell, Roullete, & Entrap. CGA |
Games Eamon, Nukewar | GM0086 Other games on disk are Wscrmbl, Cave, Asteroid, Newguy Yhtzee, & Main Hall. |
Global Thermonuclear War | GM0087 Strategy war game that also works on PC Jr. Requires Basic. |
Hopper (like Frogger) |
GM0089 Other games - Flys, Ramzap, Bumblebee, Funphones, Joycal, Impmaze, Soundcar, & Vertigo. Programs - Insults, Lar, Kalscope, Piano, Faced, Polymaze, Etc. |
Jet Flight Simulator | GM0090 A simple flight simulator computer game. |
Mario Bros & Frog | GM0092 Different type of Mario game and Frog. |
Monopoly V6.7/ML Shut12 | GM0093 Monopoly is a good CGA Monopoly that shows whole board & plays other plaayers. ML Shut or Shut the box is a game like High Roller. |
Kingdom of Kroz | GM0095 Arcade, adventure & strategy all in one game. Also has Star Trek trivia. |
MI Golf | GM0097 Very good EGA golf game & Bowling Champ - a CGA bowling type game. |
Monopoly/ Bouncing Babies | GM0100 Nice monopoly game with graphics, also Bouncing Babies funny arcade game. |
Moroff's World | GM0102 EGA/VGA Very good role playing strategy game. You choose character, strength etc. |
Pente/Checkers | GM0104 Good 5 in a row board game. Gomoko is similar to Pente.. Also CGA Checkers. |
PC Chess | GM0105 Nice chess program in color. Must be installed. |
Pinball Games | GM0110 has 10 pinball games for 1-4 players, CGA or EGA. |
Quatris | GM0113 Excellent new Tetris type game with EGA/ VGA graphics & SOT - Son of Tetris with many shapes. |
Red Barren/Solitar | GM0115 Other games on disk are Subtak, NFL Fred football, & Drive Test 2 align utility. |
Solitaire game for Dos | GM0117 Dos solitaire game. |
Risk | GM0120 Fantastic board game where you conquer territories all over the world. CGA & EGA. |
Roball | GM0122 EGA/VGA keyboard control & excellent gaame like Sirens & graphics. |
Scud Attack | GM0125 Requires mouse. Command patriot missles. Sirens & graphics. |
Strategic War Games | GM0140 War on the Sea, African Desert Campaign & Tank. high level fun. |
Tetris (game) | GM0145 Excellent Russian puzzle type of game. Also includes Monpoly game. |
Tic Tac Toe (game disk) |
GM0150 3D Tic Tac Toe, Corewar, Othello, Roulette, Keno, Bridge, & PC Orena (Othello for modems). |
VGA Arcade Games | GM0160 Bananoid, Gravity Wars & VGA Bond. |
VGA Concentration | GM0162 Match different designs. Nice graphics. |
VGA Scramble | GM0165 Excellent game like board game Scrabble. Mouse control. |
What Is It | GM0166 EGA/VGA Concentration game. Requires 2 drives. |
Wheel of Misfortune | GM0167 Great geame like Wheel of Fortune where you find missing letters & solve puzzle. |
XTetris CGA/EGA/VGA | GM0170 Tetris with single & double triangles & other great features, 8 difficulty levels. |
Genealogy And Family History (GN) |
Family Ties | GN00005 User friendly genealogy program. Supports LDS data. Requires 2 drives. |
Family Tree | GN0010 Create family history books. Organize records. |
Roots Master | GN0015 Good program for organizing family history. Lets you print & view family groups, birthday lists, & much more. |
Writer's Dream | MS0A75 Excellent program that converts your writing into professional quality self-running electronic books! Ideal for money making and saving tool. |
Graphics And Graphic Utilities (GR) |
Choice Clipart | GR0001 20 high quality PCX graphics, |
Clip Art Library (2 disk) |
GR0002 96 Cartoon cliparts PCX format. Coopers collection. |
Clip Art Library2 (3 disk) |
GR0003 133 cartoon cliparts PCX format. Coopers collection. |
Completers Clipart | GR0004 PCX graphics. Differing subjects. |
CoopersPCXClipart (4 disk) | GR0005 300 funny cartoon graphics PCX format. |
Graphic Workshop | GR0015 Good menu driven program for converting file formats. MacPaint, PC Paintbrush, Gif, Tiff, EPS & more. Lazerjet compatible CGA, Hercules, EGA, VGA. |
Grin Graphics IMG (2 disks) | GR0017 Humorous cartoon graphics in IMG format |
Grin Graphics PCX (2 disks) |
GR0025 158 humorous cartoon graphics in PCX format. |
Hoffman PCX | GR0030 A large number of quality art. |
Holiday PCX | GR0035 48 high quality PCX graphics. Family activities. |
Icon Utilities | GR0040 For Printmaster, New & Old Printshop.. Prints labels, catalogs converts. |
Family PCX Graphics (2 disks) | GR0042 23 high quality PCX graphics . Family activities. |
Kids PCX Graphics | GR0045 20 high quality graphics of boys, girls, & teenagers. |
Mixed PCX Clipart (2 disk) | GR0050 168 high quality symbols, animals, sprots, etc. |
Mosaix PCX Jigsaw (2 disk) | GR0051 Computerized Jigsaw puzzle which lets you arrange PCX picture puzzle pieces. |
Naval PCX Clipart | GR0052 Line drawings of Naval objects such as aircraft, aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, amphibion assault vehicles, Soviet War Vessels, Navy badges, & more. |
Office Pictures (2 disks) |
GR0055 IMG format. Almost 100 office scenese. |
PCX Artwork (2 disks) |
GR0060 All kinds of quality PCX artwork. 93 total. |
PCX Show (2 disks) | GR0065 Create custome slide shows using PCX files. Also text shows. |
PCX Softscenes | GR0070 29 high quality landscapes. Country and city. |
Pixcat | GR0072 Menu driven cataloging program that creates printouts for Printmaster, Newsmaster, Print Shop & the New Printshop graphics library. Epson compatible printers. |
Printmaster Graphics 1 (2 disks) | GR0075 Has over 1,000 graphics for every occasion. |
Printmaster Graphics 2 |
GR0080 600 more clever graphics. |
Printmaster Graphics 3 |
GR0085 300 new graphics for Printmaster. |
Printmaster Graphics 4 |
GR0090 400 new graphics for Printmaster. |
Print Partner | GR0095 Excellent program for creating Banners, Signs, & Calendars, comes with clip art. Also has Printmaster converter to enable you to use Printmaster graphics with Print Partner. |
Printshop Library 1 (2 disk) | GR0100 Has over 1,000 Printshop graphics. |
Printshop Library 2 | GR0105 600 graphics Printshop (same graphics as Printmaster Graphics 2). |
Printshop Library 3 | GR0110 300 new Printshop graphics (same graphics as Printmaster Graphics 3). |
Printshop Library 4 | GR0120 400 new Printshop graphics (same graphics as Printmaster Graphics 4). |
Religious Graphics | GR0125 120 religious graphics for Printmaster. |
School PCX Graphics | GR0130 27 high quality school settings and activities |
Skier PCX Graphics (2 disk) | GR0133 63 high quality. Many animals. |
Storyteller | GR0135 Great PC stories with text and graphics PCX. |
Together | GR0140 Combines PCX graphics and text to produce single PCX files. View on screen. |
Veilhaber Clipart | GR0150 Over 104 very high quality clip-arts. PCX |
Wordperfect 5.0 Clipart (2 disks) | GR0155 180 graphics for Wordperfect 5.0 Many subjects. |
Health, Diet, Recipe & Cooking Programs (HC) |
Diet Disk | HC0001 Excellent program for helping you keep the weight off. Features include shopping list, calorie counter & more. |
Computer Chef (2 disk) |
HC0005 You cannot add recipes to this, but it already has a huge selection. |
Headache-Free | HC0010 Determine what kind of headache you have and possible cures. |
Health Risk | HC0015 Questionnaire type programs used to analyze your health & smoking. Also a smoking consultant. |
Life Signs | HC0020 Determine life expectancy, analyses: heart attach risk, body fat, weight, & biorythm. |
Managing Your Food | HC0023 is a complete food ma;nager for food manufacturers, restaurant managers, dieticians, & for home Contains nutritional info on 300 items. Needs hard drive or extra 3 1/2" floppy. |
Meal Master | HC0025 Enter up to 500 recipes, schedule meals, print shopping list, & more. |
Shrink & Stress | HC0030 Programs designed to analyze your stress level & life style & a Medical Age Test. |
Stress Manager | HC0035 Stress Management System is a great program that measures your stress level and teaches you how to manage it. |
Home Budget, Checkbook, Inventory (HM) |
Checkbook | HM0005 Great program that sorts checks & reconciles bank statements. |
Checkmate | HM0010 Version 1.70A. Great checkbook program & budget system that does bank statements & allows you to set up & print accounts & reconcile bank statements. |
Finance | HM0012 Amortization, Growth rate & projections with charting. Printer - utility for printing files & Growth (program to calculate compound growth & interest). |
Express Check | HM0015 Good checkbook program. |
Household Register | HM0025 Protect yourself from loss or theft. Categorizes, lists, values. |
Painless Home Accounting | HM0030 Menu driven, well documented. Ledger budget statements. |
PC Check and PC Print |
HM0035 Check Manager, Form Gerator, & PC Print Control. |
Personal Finance Manger | HM0040 Home finance program for checking accounts savings & investment accounts, and other utilities. |
Taskplan | HM0045 A program designed for planning a budget. Also includes Budgetik a program to keep track of budgeting disbursements. |
Job/Career Search and Assessment (JB) |
College Probe | JB0005 Search for the college that best suits your geographical, financial, career, and academic needs. |
Job Cost | JB0010 Simple-to-use job costing, analysis & budgeting. Project profit or loss. |
Job Orientation Inventory | JB0015 Analyze the importance of your job to your future. |
Money Disk (2 disk set) |
JB0017 Available on 3 1/2" only Disk filled with money making ideas for the person wanting to create a business or wanting to make a little extra money on the side. |
Resume and Apply | JB0020 A tutorial on resume writing. Also a database for job applications. |
Labels, Addressing, Mailing Lists (L) |
Doctor Data Label | L00005 One of ;the most powerful mailing list managers. |
Electronic Rolodex | L00010 Rotary card file allows searching & mail labels. |
Mr. Label | L00015 Great labeling program that can type on label, envelope or paper stock. Makes attractive custom labels, name tags, mailers & more easily. Does different fonts, powerful. |
Printmaster Labels | L00020 Prints labels with Printmaster graphics. Also prints graphic album. |
PS/PM Label Print | L00025 Label maker that uses Printshop & Printmaster graphics PS<>PM converter. |
Languages (LN) |
Hebrew Quiz | LN0002 Drill and tutorial on Hebrew. |
Italian and Hebrew | LN0005 Good tutorial on Italilan and Hebrew languages. |
Languages | LN0007 Good drill & tutorial on Spanish, French, German, & Hebrew. Requires basic. |
Sign Friends | LN0008 Excellent sign language tutorial. Requires graphics. |
Spanish Teacher (2 disks) |
LN0010 Great tutorial on Spanish. Requires GWBasic or Basica. |
Laser Printer Utilities & Fonts (LZ) |
Deskjet Fonts & Utilities | LZ0005 HP Deskjet fonts & utilites. |
HP Laser Letterhead | LZ0010 Create your own letterhead & envelopes. |
HP Laserjet CheckPrinting | LZ0015 Files and prints checks & check envelopes |
HP Laserjet Utilities & more | LZ0020 4 utilities. Laser Manager, Envelope, Booklets & more. |
HP Laserjet Utilities 2 |
LZ0025 Listfont, Fontinfo, Pamphlet, Printscreen. |
HP Laserjet Utilities 3 |
LZ0030 Fontbuilder, HP Hebrew, Page cataloger. |
HP Laserjet Utilities 4 |
LZ0035 Four excellent font design utilities. |
HP Laserlabel | LZ0037 Various label formats. Labels print in alphabetic or zip code order. |
Laser Soft Fonts 2 | LZ0040 Garamond 12-30, Optima 10-24, Big City 40. |
Laserjet Soft Fonts | LZ0045 Chancellor 12 & 14, Helvetica 6 to 14, Rockland 10 & 40. Roman 18. |
Laserman | LZ0050 HPL12 - Allows printing on both sides for booklets etc. |
Swfte Laserjet Fonts | LZ0055 30 18 pt. fonts; Abbey, Amertype, Chancellor, Palatine, more. |
Miscellaneous (Disks that include a variety of everything) (MS) |
Mixed Bag | MS0005 Label Maker, Disk Sleve labeler, Cube Puzzle, Bricks, great Packman!, Where is - file locator, Bugs, & Encounter. |
Variety Home Pack | MS0010 Home Finance - Business, Simulation, Depreciation, Costs, Inventory Reorder, Presend Future Value, Amortization, Economic Order Utility, Break Even Analyses, & Check Book. Games/Misc. - Mastermind, Nevade Dice, Killer, Maze, Sea Battle Baggy Marsh, Hangman, Match Wildcat, Othello, Peg Leap, Blackjack, Dominoes, PC Golf, Head Coach, Tic Tac Toe, Tower of Atlantis, Personal Biorhythms. Sports Predicting & You Draw It. |
Music (MU) |
Christmas Songs | MU0005 Songs - Christmas, Mozart 40, Axel 5. Good games - Concentration, Bowling, Spacewar, & Paratrouper helicopter game. |
Compose & Collect | MU0010 Has song editor for composing music Also Songbase a record database. |
Jukebox | MU0012 A variety of tunes played with a menu in basic. Popular tunes, classical & misc. |
Music Library System | MU0015 A program used to store names of music titles and composers. |
PC Musician | MU0018 Program that allows you to create, play, alter & save songs. |
Pianoman | MU0020 Powerful program for creating, editing and playing music. |
Tune Trivia | MU0025 A challenging timed trivia game that plays up to 6 players. It will play the tune & you try to guess it. Also Monopoly game. |
Programming, Computer Languages, ETC. (P) |
Asic | P00005 A compiler that uses a language similar to basic. Includes screen editor. |
APBasic Compiler | P00007 Structured BASIC programming environment and compiler. |
Basic Tutor | P00010 Three programs for interactive learning of Basic. |
Chasm | P00020 Assembler for the IBM PC. |
Computer Tutor | P00025 A complete interactive Dos and computer tutorial. |
Designer | P00030 Programming utility used for designing & creating sprites. |
Dos Tutorial | P00035 Great tutorial on general computer knowledge and use of MS Dos. |
Easy Dos | P00040 Memory resident utility that helps you with Dos syntax. Also online Dos reference manual. |
Help! | P00045 A great MS Dos tutorial & reference guide to MS Dos commands. |
More Basic Tutorials | P00050 Basic program designed to teach basic. |
PC Dos Helper | P00052 Helper to explain different MS Dos commands. |
PC Professor | P00055 Very good tutorial for learning basic and general computer knowledge. |
PC Programmers Ref. Guide | P00060 Print or search on-line. Covers Dos versions 2.0 - 3.3. |
PC Tutor | P00062 Teaches how to use the computer. |
Personal C Compiler | P00065 Has also assembler, linker, dubugger. |
Sprite | P00070 Programming utility to help design sprites. |
Turbo C Tutorial (2 disk) |
P00075 All basic things you need to know about programming in C language. Other programming experience is helpful. Requires printer. |
Property Management & Amortization (PM) |
Amortize.EXE | PM0005 Amortization program. |
Overlord (2 disks) | PM0015 For people who manage properties, organizations, etc. Keeps records. |
Painting Programs (PN) |
Babydraw | PN0005 A drawing program for very young children. Save & print. |
EGA Coloring Book | PN0010 Coloring book for children that uses 500 color patterns. Pictures can be saved. For ages 3 & up. EGA or VGA. |
EGA Mouse Paint | PN0017 EGA, mouse, Cute paint coloring book type program for kides with several pictures. May be timed. |
Fingermaps | PN0015 A drawing program with U.S. & world maps. Supports laser printing. |
Hi-Res Rainbow | PN0020 Excellent, full-featured color graphics paint program. Mouse, joystick control optional. |
Turbo Paint | PN0022 Nice paint program that loads & saves PCX, IFF, & Giff files. Many features such as printing, mouse driven, Hercules, CGA, EGA, & VGA. |
VGA Paint | PN0025 Nice paint program with many features. Disk also has American fireworks demo. |
Productivity, Creativity, Hobby (PR) |
Baby Name II | PR0001 Search and sort 500 possible names for your baby. |
Bowling League Secretary | PR0002 Easily maintain records up to 32 teams and 8 per team. |
Book Index Builder | PR0003 Simple program for building a book index. |
Crossword Puzzle | PR0004 Program designed to make & print crossword puzzles. |
Catdisk | PR0005 Catologs up to 2,000 disks. Shows files & subdirectories. |
DBS Kat | PR0006 A disk cataloging system to be used on a hard drive. |
Decide | PR0007 Good program that is designed to help you make decisions through your own alternatives. Also on disk Dr. Therapist for your own computer psychoanalyst. |
Dynamind | PR0008 Thought processor. Stimulates creative thinking, problem solving, & decision making. Requires a hard drive. |
Disk Jockey | PR0010 Catalogs records & C.D.'s. Search by artist or title. Prints. etc. |
Gardener's Assistant | PR0012 Folr people planting food gardens. Recommends size, seed type, schedules. |
Hem (Hours/ Expenses/Miles) | PR0013 Keeps track of business trips. |
Idea Tree | PR0015 Powerful brainstorming took that lets you expand thoughts as they relate. |
Paper Airplane Kit | PR0019 Lets you create and print out paper airplanes. Needs hard drive or extra floppy drive. |
Poetry Generator | PR0020 Randomly produces poems which are of varying quality. |
Portfolio Manager | PR0025 Measures portfolio performance of stocks, bonds, etc. Sets goals. |
Quizzes Puzzles | PR0030 Programs that allows you to make and print out crossword puzzles and mazes. |
Spellbound Word Search Cr | PR0032 Excellent word search puzzle creating program. Loads, saves, prints and more. |
Total Recall | PR0040 Helps you memorize any subject. Automatically emphasises problem areas. |
Universal Converter | PR0042 Converts units of measure such as quarts and liters to other units of measure. |
Vacation Planner | PR0043 Trip Planner, Map Maker, & Utilities. Loads, saves, prints and more. |
Video Librarian | PR0045 Organize & categorize your videos. Prints labels. Holds 64,000 titles. |
Vocabulary Management Sys | PR0046 Puzzle builder that allows you to load, build & print puzzles. |
Writer's Dream | MS0A75 Excellent program that converts your writings into professional quality self-running electronic books! Ideal for educators, family historians, and business enterpreneurs. Excellent money making and saving tool. |
Xxxpert | PR0050 Design expert systems (like artificial intelligence) to analyze knowledge. |
Printing, Publishing, Printer Utilities (PT) |
Citydesk | PT0005 A publishing utility for enhanced dot matrix printing. |
Fonted (2 disks) | PT0006 EGA/VGA Design custom screen fonts & download to printer. Requires Epson compatible printer. |
Imageprint | PT0007 Excellent side ways printing program. |
On-Side | PT0010 Excellent side ways printing program. |
Typesetter | PT0015 Excellent single page desktop publisher. Use graphics & fonts. |
Religion, Scriptures, Wisdom (R) |
Biblemen | R00005 "Who am I" type of game. Gives hints. 1-8 players. |
Book of Mormon Trivia | R00010 A challenging, timed trivia game on the first part of the Book of Mormon that plays up to 8 players. Questions are multiple choice. Requires basic. |
D & C Topical Guide | R00015 An excellent program for studying the key points of the Doctrine & Covenants with a quiz feature to test what you have learned. |
Dailey Bread | R00020 Bible calendar program gives day, date & scripture study. |
Gospel Jigsaw Fun (4 disks) |
R00A20 Gospel Jigsaw Fun is a collection of inspirational Gospel scenes made into fun-filled jigsaw puzzles that you do on computer. Disks 2, 3, & 4 require disk one. VGA, mouse recommended. |
Jesus & the Well | R00N20 (VGA, mouse) Storybook, questions, & mini-adventure with excellent graphics about ;this story. |
Journey | R00021 Make a journey across the Holy Land as you recite the 10 commandments. |
On Line Bible (8 disks) |
R00022 The entire King James Bible on hard drive. |
Scripture Quest | R00025 1600 questions that tests your knowledge of the King James Bible. |
ScriptureWord Search (2 disks) | R00027 Add a fantastic activity to church classes, home evenings, or for just fun with this unique collection of ; 70 of the most quoted and inspirational L.D.S. and Christian scriptures and topics in a word search puzzle disk format. These puzzles must be printed out on a printer and solved on paper. Instructions are on the disk. |
Wisdom of the Ages (3 disks) |
R00030 6,500 great quotations & thoughts. 81 subjects. |
Word Worker (2 disks) |
R00035 Great database like program designed for searching & studying the New Testament. |
Spreadsheet Programs & Utilities (SP) |
Advanced Tutor 1,2,3 | SP00005 Tutors for and requires the use of Lotus 1, 2, 3. |
As Easy As! | SP0010 Lotus-like spreadsheet with many features. |
Beginning Tutor | SP0015 A tutor of & for use with Lotus 1, 2, 3. |
Express Calc (2 disks) |
SP0020 Excellent spreadsheet program. |
PC GL | SP0025 For finanacial statements. Works with Lotus 1,2,3. |
Templates of Doom | SP0030 Good spreadsheet tutorial that makes it a challenging adventure. Must use Lotus 1,2,3, PC Excel, Quatro Pro, & VP Planner. |
Teaching & Grading (T) |
Teacher Power | T00020 Computerized grade book for teachers. Versatile, comprehensive. Also has word hunt puzzle maker. |
Var Grade (2 disks) | T00030 A teachers attendance and grading program. Versatile. |
Utilities, File, Hard Drive, Compression (U) |
Archive File Utilities | U00005 Works with Space-Maker disk to improve usage. |
Automenu (automatic menu) | U00010 Program that builds menu definition files. Great utility |
Boot B | U00012 Allow drive B to boot your system. |
Back and Forth | U00015 Allows you to run up to 9 programs simultaneously and switch back & forth. |
Baker's Dozen Utilities | U00017 14 Excellent PC utilities. |
Burn in & Diagnostics | U00025 Diagnostic programs that excercises every part of your computer looking for flaws. |
C64 Emulator | U00027 Emulator for IBM that requires a 386SX 40 MGZ VGA computer. |
CP/M Dos Conversion | U00030 Converts data from CPM to MS Dos or Vise-Versa. |
Clone Ram | U00033 Corelook for viewing contents of PC memory and also a memory locator. Also PC Dump is for downloading any portion of the PC memory. |
Hard Disk Backup | U00050 Utility used to backup your hard disk to floppy disks. |
Hard Disk Utilities | U00055 Useful utilities for hard drives, displays disk drive statistics & directory usage, transfers data to floppies, backup & restore features, file locators & more. |
HD-Test | U00060 Program designed to check your hard drive. |
LZEXE and CVT | U00065 Compress EXE files that will run directly still. Archival converter also. |
Magic Menus | U00070 Lets you create any Dos environment in a menu driven system. |
Newlist/Align | U00072 Program for testing disk drive alignment, (Superdir, Newlist - both lists directories), Dumpscreen, & Wa-tor game. |
PK-Arc | U00074 Archive file utilities for adding, deleting, compressing, timestamping etc. |
Hercules Utilities | U00075 Utilities for Hercules graphic compatible machines. |
Newspace | U00077 Automatically increases hard drive space. |
Point & Shoot Backup/ Restore | U00079 Program designed to work with Point & Shoot Hard Disk Manager which backups hard disks to floppys & restores hard disk files from floppy disks. |
Pro-Menu | U00080 Run your programs from a menu. Automatically creates menus. |
RAMTEST | U00085 Easy to use ram chip tester. Reports exactly which chip is bad. |
Read My Disk! | U00090 Recovers data from severely damaged disks. |
Space Maker | U00095 Several utilities for compressing and decompressing disk files. Also ;has option to work with Archive File Utilities on this list. |
Tree View | U00100 Hard disk utility (Dos Utility), pull-down menus that lets you access & manipulate files & control Dos commands easily. |
Virus Checking & Removal (VR) |
Virus Can | VR0010 Scan your disks for viruses and allow removal. |
Virus Protection | VR0015 Four programs: Flushot, Filetest, Vaccine, Credos. |
Security Programs | VR0020 Programs for checking & protecting your computer from trogan horse writing & other viruses. |
Windows Programs, Games, Utilities, ETC. (W) |
Describe Gold Word Processing Program for Windows | WP0002 3 1/2" HD only, Excellent word processor for Windows 3.1 or higher. Includes spell checking, mail merging drawing, nice fonts, & many features. |
MS Windows Accessories | W00010 Stars, lunch, file hunter, fileview, & more. |
Windows Games 1 (available on 3.5" disk only) | W00015 Wintris, Fish Lander, Worm War, Taipel, more. |
Windows Games 2 | W00020 Checkers, Lucas, Miners, Alien Force, Atmoids (Asteroids). |
Windows Games 3 | W00025 Poker, Mastermind, Spacewalls, Hex-Tet, Yaught. (This disk is only available in 3.5" high density format). |
Word Processing & Utilities (WP) |
Dictionary | WP0001 Index is a utility and for use with Wordstar or other editor and generates an alphabetically sorted index for a file. |
Describe Gold | WP0002 3 1/2" HD only, Excellent word processor for windows with spell checking, mail merging, drawing, nice fonts, & many features. |
Intext Europeon | WP0003 Language word processor - Spanish, French, Italian, German, Danish, Dutch and Portuguese. |
Intext Hebrew | WP0005 Intext foreign language word processor - Hebrew. |
Intext Russian | WP0010 Intext foreign language word processor - Russian. |
Menus for Word Perfect | WP0020 ;Program used to give pull down menus to Word Perfect owners. Works up to Vs. 5.0. |
Mindreader | WP0025 A great word processor with pull down menus and spell checker, Many features including ability to project words as you type them. |
PC Write (3 disk set) | WP0030 Nice and very useful Word Processor. |
Textout | WP0032 Converts Wordperfect 5.0 & 5.1 files to ascii. |
Wordperfect 5.0 Macros (2 disk) | WP0035 Dozens of macros for Wordperfect 5.0 as well as 2 macro utilities. |
Wordperfect 5.0 Bus. Letters | WP0040 Commercial, legal, real estate, corporate, personal. |
Wordperfect 5.0 Learn ( 2 disks) | WP0045 Good tutorial for learning Word Perfect 5.0. Hard drive or 2 floppy required. |
Writer's Dream | MS0A75 Excellent program that converts your writings into professional quality self-running electronic books! Ideal for educators, family historians, and business enterpreneurs. Excellent money making and saving tool. |